Call me slow .. but I just found out that there is a RENT the movie. I love this muscial. I watched it in Melbourne and fell in LOVE with the songs and the story. So touching and so GOOD!!! And the good part is that the original cast of the muscial is reprising their role in the movie. So we wont be getting crappy (but good looking) actors playing the roles. You are acutally getting real singers ... broadway singers.
I guess the only gripe I have is that Rosario Dawson is playing Mimi .. i guess they HAVE to have one star in the production otherwise who knows, you would only get ther true blue fans watching it. Also another gripe is WHY Chris Columbus as the director. Yuck yuck yuck. His credits include harry potter .. ermm nine months. and some other equally fluffly movies. Why not spike lee or sam mendes or baz luhrman as rumoured.
But at least they are having a movie .. a consolation for not actually watching the Broadway production :) cant wait!!