11 January 2005

Classes start

Yesterday was the start of the school semester. Another semester of essays and readings. I am really looking forward to reading the International Political Economy course. My first class was Studies in Southeast Asian Politics. I thought that I would check out the class and decide on whether I want to take it.

So I arrive in school 1 1/2 hours early. I had my dinner and went to the library to borrow some books. Unexpectedly, I dwaddled and I only have 5 minutes to the start of class. I had to walk to the block and find the classroom. Reaching the block, I could not find the elevator so I had to climb up the SIX storey to reach the classroom.

BUT alas, I find the door and on it says "YOUR CLASS HAS BEEN CANCELED". Dissapointment! Irritation! Annoyance!

What a way to start the new semester.

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