Things i have always wondered about urinals:
- why the urinals have a big "TOTO" on top of them? It is prob the brand of the urinal but goodness, it is so strange to be peeing into Dorothy's dog (from Wizard of Oz). ladies, you have to see it to believe it. Maybe one day you should just sneak into the male toilet, esp the one on 23rd floor ;)
- why pp in the toilet (male) never stand side by side in the urinal? When there is 3 urinals and two males, both would split up and go to the urinal 1 and 3. Urinal 2 is left empty. [One time i went in and there was 2 pp already at the urinal. Urinal 2 was empty so I slotted myself in and then persons using Urinal 1 and 3 starting talking over me. Most strange experience.]
- pp tend to look down when they pee? Like they would aim wrongly even though the urinal is such a giant mouth.
- {this is not about urinals but closely related} women can do the hovering thing on the toilet bowl .. (all the better to avoid touching the seat .. can't imagine? Go ask your friends). They must all have strong abdominal / gluteus / hamstring / thigh muscles. It is akin to doing the horse stance ('ma bu') for at least 1 min. Amazing :P
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